#Lio shirazumi plus
Mikiya simply tells her he would bear her sins in her place(read: I Do Not See It, Plus This Asshole Stabbed A Knife Through My Head So Fuck Him) and the two go home and have their happy ending. Touko was the elder daughter of the Aozaki family who had a long legacy of producing magus within their bloodline. This is the tensest part of the story about their relationship, because it is in this moment that the audience doesn't know if their relationship ends here or not. In the end, Shiki decapitates Lio after she believes he killed Mikiya (though literally any court would rule that shit as self-defense seeing as she was being attacked), only to see Mikiya still alive and finding her next to a pile of disassembled flesh. Ryougi has good long-ranged normals, and in all of her moons her rekka series is a simple, powerful way to apply pressure, confirm combos, and control space. This plot threatens their relationship more than anything in all the previous books. Melty Bloods dedicated 'rekka' character, the female version of Tohno is generally considered to be on the weaker end of Meltys roster but still more than capable. This also puts her at odds with Mikiya, who doesn't want her to kill anyone no matter how terrible they are, but Shiki decides she would rather lose their relationship than risk Mikiya being killed by his former senpai.
#Lio shirazumi serial
Now realizing that the original serial killer from Book 2 is actually still alive and still on the loose, Shiki hunts him down believing that he's a threat to her happy life. Lio Shirazumi had been stalking Shiki and SHIKI, killing people and mutilating them in order to endear himself to them. 7 - The question hanging over the last few stories is finally answered: SHIKI didn't kill any of those people, but not for lack of trying.